Update 11.17.06

Today the Road 2 Recovery Foundation received an update on James Marshall’s condition. James is able to move his left leg from side to side and his trunk strength is getting stronger as well. He is also able to now push himself up using his elbows and as well as do arm curls with 5 lb weights. He currently is able to do 10 miles a day on a bike that is connected to electrodes that stimulates the muscles and allows him to pedal the bike. When he’s on the bike his entire body sweats, which according to his doctors is quite unusual, as most people don’t sweat below the area of injury on the spinal cord. The doctor also said the muscles on his right side are firing.

James wants to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support, including everyone who has put together HelpJames.Org, which has generated many donations, and everyone out there in the motocross community who has helped him out both financially and emotionally. His spirits are high and he’s working very hard every day to improve.

Update 9.14.06

Hi everyone,
I spoke to James Marshall and his dad this morning. James came home from the rehab facility yesterday, and will begin rehabbing at home starting today. His mom has quit her job to stay home with James full time. A therapist will be coming to his house every day.

His upper body is getting stronger. He can use an arm crank bike by himself without assistance. He is regaining some feeling in his left hand and can slightly move the fingers on his left hand. He has some sensation in his feet and the inside of his legs. He stood up for the first time yesterday for about 20 minutes in a standing frame with assistance. James said it felt strange but good to stand up.

James asked that we tell everyone just how much him and his family appreciate all the prayers and donations to him.

Marshall has been a rising star throughout the industry for the past several months as he has consistently been one of the fastest privateers in the supercross series. A true privateer, James and his mechanic Dave have worked hard each week perparing for every race. We here at MXSponsor.com found him only a few weeks before the opening round of the supercross series and offered him a ride with our Privateer Shuttle — a program to help privateers compete in the supercross series. Not only is James incredibly fast on a dirt bike, he is also an incredible human being. He has a tremendous fan base across the country (especially in his home state of Texas) and possesses charisma, integrity, and an enthusiasm that is infectious. All of our stomachs and hearts dropped as we saw the crash.