UPDATE: 10/11/19 via Mandie’s Instagram account:

8 months and 3 days. That is how long it’s been since our world was rocked when my dad not only had a stroke but became a quadriplegic. Well, I’m excited to say that today was the day we were finally able to bring him home. To add to the positive news, he officially had his trach taken out on Wednesday. These are huge milestones and although it’s taken a long time to get here, it’s hard to believe we’re actually here considering they told us those first few days that he would never be off a ventilator and would be bed ridden for life (and that’s if he survived). Take a look at us now bitches!! #FonteynStrong.

These have been the toughest 246 days of our entire life. The mental and emotional toll it has taken on everyone is indescribable. Unfortunately, the situation was made immensely more difficult thanks to @kpthrive. You do not “thrive” with them (unless you’re a healthy person). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING has been a fight. Can you believe they denied wheelchair ramps for someone who’s now confined to a wheelchair? WTF! And that’s just 1 example. Finally after fighting for 7.5 months we were approved for a short stay at @casacolinahospital, which was honestly our saving grace! Within our short stay, they got him off the trach and worked with him more than he had received throughout the entire 7.5 months because Kaiser previously wouldn’t approve any PT except range of motion. These videos are just a few of the incredible therapy sessions he received while at Casa. I’m beyond happy to have him home but wish we could have stayed a little longer to really take full advantage of what they offer. We’ll continue the therapy they taught us to do but will also be taking him for additional out patient therapy.

Anyways, this is a huge day and cause for celebration. We can’t thank everyone enough for their love and support, especially @road2recovery. @loamstutz, @biggunmike1997 and @nanabutton who have been so incredible throughout this journey. We’re facing a new set of challenges now but if there is one thing that’s certain, it’s that we’re a strong ass family and will get through it. 💪🏼💚😘 #FightForFonteyn #Road2Recovery#quadriplegic #SpinalCordInjury #SCI

UPDATE: 05/01/19 via Mandie’s Instagram account:

I know a lot of time has passed since we have provided an update on how my dad is doing. It’s hard to decide what to share and what not to because as we take a few steps forward, we take even more back. It’s been a complete rollercoaster. Towards the end of our stay at Inland Valley, he was doing pretty well. They were working hard to ween him off the ventilator, leaving him on CPAP for sometimes over 12 hours and even progressing to Cool Air sole for nearly the same amount of time. He was also doing well with PT and OT, talking a lot and showing signs of muscle definition and strength on his left arm.

On April 16, he was moved to a sub-acute rehab facility in San Diego. After only 2 days, he was transferred to a Kaiser Hospital because he wasn’t tolerating the feeding. He stayed there for a week. Once he returned to the rehab facility, the next 4 days were pretty positive. He started using the passy muir valve making it easier for him to communicate and man was he chatty! He also passed a dye test, which showed he was swallowing properly and allowed him to graduate from a water swab to ice chips. YES, A BIG DEAL! He LOVES ice chips! Another positive was a sign of muscle shaking on the right arm, which we haven’t seen up until this point. He actually pushed his hand off a pillow!! These were all signs that things were starting to go in a positive direction and just maybe we were over one of the many humps we’ll experience on this journey.

Unfortunately, on Monday we got a call that he was once again being transferred to the hospital but this time it was much more urgent. He had a fever and his blood pressure had significantly dropped so he was sent to the closest location. When he arrived, the hospital also determined his blood count was significantly low due to some internal bleeding so they began transfusions, antibiotics and a multitude of medications. He’s now stable and doing better so was transferred last night to a Kaiser Hospital for further evaluation. .

Despite the ups and downs, we’re staying positive and hopeful! Thank you to everyone who’s been by our side. If you’d like to help, click the link in my bio. 💚

On February 8, while delivering product to a customer, John Fonteyn fell from his work truck and fractured his C4-5 vertebrae. The father of Mandie Fonteyn, Team Honda HRC Press Manager with Jonnum Media, Mr. Fonteyn is currently paralyzed from the neck down. Unfortunately, because nobody witnessed his fall, the details of the incident aren’t known; however, Mr. Fonteyn was conscious and aware and was able to communicate to first responders and his wife that his neck hurt.

Mr. Fonteyn was immediately transported to Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildomar, California, where surgical physicians performed an anterior fusion and realignment to the vertebrae. Two weeks post-op, a CT scan showed signs of a left-side stroke, which explained the initial lack of cognitive ability. He is currently categorized as a complete Spinal Cord Injury, with no movement from the neck down, and is breathing with the assistance of a ventilator, via tracheotomy. His current state is very difficult for his family and friends, as communication is almost impossible. However, Mr. Fonteyn is showing signs of understanding and has attempted to communicate vocally.

The Fonteyn family is currently struggling with their medical and insurance systems, as well as looming bills. When Mr. Fonteyn is released, he’ll be admitted to a sub-acute facility, but available beds are limited at facilities that are both nearby and have a good standard of care. He has been quoted 100 days of sub-acute coverage, after which he will be set up with long-term in-home care. At that point, all submissions will be out-of-pocket expenses for the family. Mr. Fonteyn’s status is still critical, and he will likely require medical attention for the rest of his life.

Prior to his injury, Mr. Fonteyn was very active. He spent time road cycling and participated annually in the Great Cycle Challenge, raising money for childhood cancer research by dedicating himself to 750 miles of cycling in one month. His favorite pastimes revolved around boating, as he would spend time on the water with family and friends, slalom water skiing, wakesurfing and fishing. He also shares a passion for dirt bikes and has ridden for his entire life. He owns a small professional car care business, supplies detailing products to several supercross/motocross teams to keep their trucks looking good, and regularly sponsors the Temecula Rod Run, a popular local hotrod event.

The Fonteyn family is a part of the motorcycling community, and R2R has set up this Fund, where tax-deductible donations can be made. All funds raised will go toward Mr. Fonteyn’s recovery and will help alleviate his mounting medical bills. Those who are unable to support financially are encouraged to help by sharing this page. In addition, messages of support can be left on Mr. Fonteyn’s R2R Fund page. The Fonteyn family is also planning a number of fundraising events over the next few months.

R2R’s main focus is to assist in funding for the medical needs of the Motocross, Supercross and Action Sports athletes, their admitted family and community members. The Foundation feels that its duty is to help in any way possible when a member of this community needs it most. In addition to being a well-known member of the motocross/supercross industry, Mandie Fonteyn is a R2R board member and is considered family by many in the community. When it was brought to the attention of the R2R board that her father was critically injured, funding for him passed with 100% unanimous vote approval and overwhelming support. Since Mr. Fonteyn is not a licensed AMA pro rider, he will only have access to the funds raised specifically from his R2R crowd-funding cause; he will not qualify for the R2R injured athlete grant.