Privateer rider Mike Giovanniello #474 was injured while racing at a track in Englishtown, NJ on October 23, 2016. His accident has left him with severe injuries to his right leg. He sustained a broken knee, broken tibia, broken fibula and a severed major artery that has also left him with irreversible nerve damage.

Mike had a long and intense hospital stay that included 4 surgeries, the first and most invasive being over 14 hours long to repair some of the damage that was done to his leg. After 57 day in the hospital Mike was released on December 19, 2016 to start his out-patient rehabilitation program.

Before Mike’s injury he won both the 250 Expert and Open Expert Points Championships in the 2016 Season Series at Raceway Park and qualified for The Southwick Nationals.

A close family friend has just recently made Road 2 Recovery aware of Mike Giovanniello’s injuries. R2R has set up this fund to help Mike and his family with all medical expenses. Even though his accident was back in October, he and his family have a very long road ahead of them. Mike is currently in extensive physical therapy and is scheduled for two more surgeries. The medial bills and responsibilities are exponentially increasing. Any help financially or spreading the word about Mike’s R2R Cause would be greatly appreciated. Remember to use the #Mikey2Recovery when helping in inform others.

Photo by Scott Lukaitis