February 3, 2012 Ryan Morais update

This has been a week filled with Doctors appointments and surgery! We saw the neurosurgeon first where we got the good news that Ryan’s vertebrae are not fractured. Our next appointment was with the oral surgeon. He feels confident that Ryan’s jaw will heal. Ryan had a three-hour surgery on Tuesday evening where they put a plate in to put back together his upper jaw that was broken in 4 places. They also rewired his whole mouth to improve alignment. His mouth will now be wired shut for the next 6 weeks. He spent the night in the hospital, but is home again. We are getting pretty good at finding things to put together in our blender. The last appointment was with a neurologist. He is going to help us with the post concussion syndrome care. Ryan’s spirits are good as he now begins the healing process.

We cannot begin to tell you how blessed we as a family feel from the outpouring of support given by our family, friends, Motocross Community, and fans during these past two weeks. If I know one thing for sure it is that the Motocross Community is much more that just people who come together every weekend to race. We are one big family. Ryan, Krue and I feel beyond loved and cared for. We appreciate every prayer, thought, email, card and donation more that you will ever know.

January 30, 2012 Update on Morais from Jacki Short/Hannah Morais:

Just got the best news ever! No surgery needed on Ryan’s neck!! The jaw surgery should happen tonight or in the morning. Ryan has a long road ahead of him still but we are beyond excited about his neck! I cannot express how blessed Ryan is by God! God Truly protected him! Thank you again for all of your support!

Rockstar Valli-Star Racing Yamaha team rider Ryan Morais was injured at the Los Angeles Supercross race on January 22, 2012. It happened in the first lap of the main event when Trey Canard hit a tuff block and was not able to jump the triple. Ryan was already committed to the jump and landed on Trey. Both riders were knocked unconscious. Ryan’s injuries were very substantial with fractured C1 C2 C6-7 T1, broken ribs, broken upper and lower jaw. As of January 24, 2012, Ryan is awaiting surgery to align his jaws and to wire his mouth shut for the next 8 weeks. He will also be wearing a C collar is keep his neck stable.

4 ½ months ago Ryan’s wife Hannah gave birth to their son Krue. Hannah is still on maternity leave and was expecting to go back to work in a few weeks. Ryan does have health insurance but the hospital they are at is out of network for them.

There will be a fundraiser held at Red Rock MX Park in Bastrop TX on Saturday February 4th, 2012, 10:00AM – 5:00PM with all proceeds going to Ryan.
$50 per rider (Sold Out)
$10 per spectator (Available)
$5 per raffle ticket (Available)
Product & Gear Auction (Available)

Track Location:
Matt Tallon
212 Meuth CM Road
Red Rock, TX. 78662
[email protected]

If you have any items you would like to donate for the auction, please send them to
Shipping Address for Packages:
Matt Tallon
Attn: Ryan Morais Benefit
6425 S IH 35
Suite 150-128
Austin, TX. 78744

Thank you for all of the prayers and kind gestures towards Ryan and his family.