Update 08/26/17- Scotty Rides Again!

Watch Scotty’s video and make sure to subscribe to his channel for updates and more videos!

Thank you so much to everyone that came out to the JAM and everyone who put the jam together. I had such a good time and so did the boys, thank you so much to road 2 recovery for everything you guys have done for me as well as all you guys for getting the #standwithscotty shirts it means the world to me!

Update 02/16/17

Update via Scotty’s instagram post. “The wrapping is off and the Doctors decided it was time to remove the tube that was draining from my head! I’ll tell you honestly this was not fun at all.. They pulled the drain out while I was awake and then gave me stitches to close the hole! But the new forehead is looking great and now it is time to focus on the healing of this Frankenstein scar I’ve got! Thank you all for the support you all have been amazing! #BMX #standwithscotty

UPDATE 01/13/17

Watch Scotty’s video of him walking!!! An update on Scotty and the crew was posted on his YouTube channel with the below description. To stay up to date on Scotty make sure you subscribe to his channel. Link is below…

It’s Scotty’s B DAY and we packed a little over 22 people into the rehab center and it was an awesome time. Towards the end Scotty shows us his awesome surprise. Every single day he is becoming a little less paralyzed. I don’t even see him as being paralyzed anymore because of how much progress he has made. Me being there since the day of the crash and Witnessing it, it makes me so happy to see how far he has come in such a short period of time. Remember to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE!

UPDATE 01/10/17

Scotty continues to push the limits in physical therapy; proving to all of us that the powerhouse combination of a positive attitude, determination, and perseverance can help overcome.  Not only is he in a manual chair but he now uses a walker to get around! Scotty is also training on stairs to help strengthen his muscles and prepare him for his next goal. Small steps to big goals! The R2R team couldn’t be more proud and happy for Scotty and his family. Scotty, you are our hero!

VIDEO UPDATE #2 11/22/16


UPDATE 11/01/16
Earlier this morning we received good news. Scotty was transported safely, via “Air Ambulance” to his new Rehabilitation Hospital in New Jersey. Being closer to home with family and friends near by will help and speed the healing process. Because of your donations and support, Road 2 Recovery was able to facilitate this vital transport that was not covered by Scotty’s insurance. Thank you to all his Sponsors who donated, his loyal fans, friend and family, together you are assisting Scotty on his Road 2 Recovery. Click the link to watch Scotty land in NJ.

***T-shirts will be moved to the SC ACTION SPORTS web store. R2R will provide a link as soon as this is available. R2R will no longer have these shirts on our site starting 11/15/16. The new info should be available within a week. Thank you for your support!

UPDATE 10/26/16
Unfortunately Scotty had a hard day yesterday. Scotty was alert and talking with his wife and Dad when with no warning or apparent reason his breathing changed and he seemed to be shutting down. Thanks to the quick action of the staff at his hospital they did a scan to see if anything was going on and it was found that there was bleeding in the brain that was causing swelling. Scotty went into surgery right away for a procedure to remove a portion of his skull to relieve the pressure. This piece of his skull will be replaced after there is no longer a risk of bleeding or swelling. Unfortunately this procedure also required that he be put on a ventilator to assist him with breathing. R2R staff jumped on a flight to be by his side shortly after this notification.

Today has been a better day. After another scan came out positive everyone is working with Scotty to challenge him in his recovery. He received physical therapy, had his ventilator removed and passed a swallow test so he can start to get some liquid foods in his system. This seems to be his limit for today as he was complaining of some pain after sitting up in a special chair the hospital refers to as the Cadillac.

At this time it looks like he will be spending a few more days in Las Vegas to insure there will be no more issues. Regarding the shirts and stickers coming back into stock, we hear you and are working with companies to make more. Everything looks good for more inventory by the end of this week. We are stoked for your excitement and support to represent #standwithscotty

UPDATE 10/24/16

Scotty just got out of his last scheduled surgery in Las Vegas and everything went as planned. The group of neuro and plastic surgeons teamed up and completed a combined surgery that involved removing pieces from his skull fracture off his brain and repairing fractures to his skull and his nasal cavity to allow for better breathing. Thankfully the initially projected wire mesh procedure was not needed and the doctors were able to make all the repairs with plates and screws.


This pic was taken yesterday after his neck surgery but before his facial surgery.

We have been blown away by all the support for Scotty and it means so much to him and his family. We released hundreds of shirts and stickers this week which quickly sold out! After R2R and Vans had a meeting today more shirts are on the way and stickers will be back up by the end of today.

After leaving Las Vegas Scott’s insurance coverage will only help him while in NJ so we located the best hospital in the state for his rehab care and he should be transferring via air ambulance later this week. Keep the well wishes coming and make sure to keep an eye on our social media @road2recovery for when shirts will be available. By popular demand we are also going to make youth sizes and XXXL sizes in the next run. The next location of rehab will last 6 – 8 weeks and then Scotty will be attending outpatient rehab to gain motor skills and strength. We thank you for the continued support and look forward to seeing everyone wearing their shirts and showing their stickers #standwithscotty.

UPDATE 10/20/16
The last few days have been deep recovery for Scotty after going through the successful back surgery. As excited as we are to get him to the recovery stage it’s going to take a little time for sure. Thankfully we have three great rehab facilities competing to earn his care and they are all great options for many reasons. We have been waiting on Neuro and Plastic surgeons to determine a date for Scotty’s next surgery and it appears that all will be ready by this Monday. Scotty is excited for this to be completed as the skull fracture is actually hindering his ability to breath through his nose. Scotty won’t be cruising through any metal detectors soon as the surgery will include some hardware.

All in all things are moving exceptionally quick and we have been several steps ahead, every step of the way. Because of the knowledge that we bring to the table at R2R we see Scotty getting a lot of great attention when it comes to everyone involved, doctors in multiple departments, nurses, social workers, case workers, insurance, multiple rehab facilities and all their departments, air transport companies, you name it! They all know the name Scotty Cranmer and we have their support!

#standwithscotty shirts are coming from VANS shoes and should be available first thing next week! We might even have a sneak peak at them tomorrow! It will be a great way to show your support and donate to Scotty’s recovery. We are also making some awesome helmet stickers to be available soon. Thank you for your support, thank you for your positive thoughts. This is a long road and your support makes the journey that much better! Stay glued to this page for all the Scotty news and updates.

Earlier today as doctors did their rounds they informed us that the brain hemorrhage is healing well on it’s own and will not require surgery. R2R is in the hospital with Scotty’s family and we just got this update as Scotty was transferred from the operating room to recovery. The doctor came out and said everything went well regarding stabilizing his spine. The surgeon clarified the injury and said that he has a C4 INCOMPLETE spinal cord contusion. The surgeon also fused C4 and C5 to add stability to the area of injury. Incomplete meaning that he can work hard and fight to fix the damage, but he’s not just going to wake up okay. “It’s really good news. It’s going to be a battle but Scotty can do it! You guys know how much fight and determination he has. He’s got this.” Scotty’s wife, Lisa Cranmer.

With the help of R2R and the case workers of the hospital applications are going out in the morning to secure a top level rehab facility for his injuries. If all goes well Scotty may be transferred before the end of next week. The comments and support from his friends, family and YouTube Subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. We have shared your comments with Scotty and his family and the support really does make a difference. R2R is also currently working with Scotty’s insurance company to better understand what they will and will not cover. We know already they will not cover his medical transport to rehabilitation and that can be anywhere from $15k to $45k.

R2R will continue to assist the family through this difficult time and prepare them with information and guidance to give Scotty the best possible opportunity available! Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

Update Video from Scotty’s You Tube Page:

Professional BMX rider Scotty Cranmer was shooting a film session with his Monster Energy team mates in Las Vegas Nevada on the evening of October 12th and caught his front wheel in a hole that catapulted him into a face plant without time to get his hands in front of him.

Suffering several facial fractures, cerebral hemorrhage and damage to his C4 and C5 vertebrae Road 2 Recovery jumped into action less than an hour after his accident. Currently we have assisted his Dad and wife with travel to be by his side.

R2R is working with local doctors and other specialists to insure Scotty gets the best possible care at this time. Multiple surgeries are in his future and the past few hours has resulted in the doctors calling him stable and strong for surgery on his vertebrae. We are wishing Scotty and his family the best and have set up this page on our website to keep people informed.

“Road 2 Recovery has been incredibly helpful in this situation. They are several steps ahead on what we need to do to help Scotty. This would be an even more difficult time without them. Thankfully things are a world of difference since yesterday and we are pleased with his progress. If you wish to help Scotty we ask that you donate to Road 2 Recovery at this time” Scott Cranmer. (Scotty’s Dad)

Please use the website that has been set up to leave a positive message for Scotty, his wife and his family.

We want to thank TJ Lavin and his family for providing information, support and sharing their experience with doctors in the Las Vegas area. The flow of information is coming in strong and we are pleased to have come so far in such a short time. We also would like to thank Connor Fields and his family for helping with a place to stay in Vegas.